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Communications Report


Number of webinars-52
Webinar participants-129266
Hours of training- 78


28 Trained education institutions to integrate PC into their curricula

15 training packages developed

Care providers supported to receive formal PC training-1786

Number of care providers, community volunteers, patients and family members trained-965

Capacity building for higher education institutions-48

Number of training insititutions with PC programmes-34

Number of education scholarshils awarded-118

Interns hosted- 10

Multi disciplinary teams trained in the integration of legal services into PC-32

Psychological care and support for team building- 31

Other trainings
PC psychiatry training-113
Photography training-170

Face to face workshop trainings

Cpos workshop sept 2023- day 1 32 day 2-39
Day 3-39
Day 4-15 
FGD with children mulago-33

CPOS onboarding- integration into routine care mildmay -41
Mulago- 36

CPOS implementation site training 

mildmay- 13